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Quantum Soul Healing


Connect to your soul and take yourself on an inner journey!

Have you ever wondered why you are here, and if there is a greater meaning to your life?


Are you curious about past lives or life between lives?


Do you wonder if you have soul contracts with someone in your life?


Do you have health related issues that you would like to search the reason for?



Then a Soul Healing-session might be right for you!

Hege Oppegaard

Certified practitioner of:


Introspective Hypnosis

Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH)

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)

Meta-NLP™ Master Practitioner Coach


A Soul Healing-session can help you get

in touch with your

Soul essence - Guides - Higher Self!


That part of you where all the answers resides, and get to the root cause of your challenges or questions!


Often the root cause of many of our challenges we carry in this life, actually originates from past lives!

A Soul Healing-session can be an amazing tool to get a deeper insight to the lives vi live, and to clear out any "karmic mess", and to place things and events where they belong!

Your soul had a plan even before you were born.

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Unlock your potential by unlocking your past!

Hege er en rolig og hjertevarm utøver. Hun fikk meg til å slappe av, og med min egen intensjon om å reise tilbake til min egen fødsel inn i dette livet. Meningen var å oppleve kjærligheten til min mor og far og da også til meg selv.
Etterpå gikk reisen gjennom tid og rom opp til et høyere aspekt av meg som lyskropp. Tusen takk Hege - jeg er veldig fornøyd!


B.V. - Norge

I went to Hege wanting to explore this method and looking for answers that had been in my mind for a while. She showed me her professionalism and deep care answering really fast with all the information I needed.
The session went by so fast even though it was long. During the whole time I felt safe, taken care of and very well conducted in the direction I needed to go to find the healing. Remembering now the experience I can feel again the amazing love and wisdom that was poured into it. I am very grateful to Hege and the work she does in the world. I will definitely recommend her and go back to her again soon!!!


P.N. - Germany

Jeg har altid følt, at jeg var i trygge hænder hos Hege og at hun var yderst kompetent, professionel og omhyggelig i vores samarbejde. Hun er en kærlig behandler, som investerer hjerte og sjæl i sit arbejde og leverer den fineste kvalitet indenfor regressionsterapi under hypnose. Jeg er taknemmelig for at have fundet hende og kan varmt anbefale hende til alle, der ønsker at arbejde med traumer og tidligere liv.

Ingrid - Danmark

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Hva er healing?
(Videos in Norwegian)
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